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2005 2004 2003 January
2002 | 2003-01-15 14:28 / linux toddlers »Ask a student who 'Tux' is, and he or she will point to the large penguin painted on the front wall of the computer lab and say, "He's the Linux penguin!" (linux journal: Linux from Kindergarten to High School) Hexley's cute too. 2003-01-12 12:22 / launch emacs from the CLI »I keep forgetting how to do this after recompiling emacs (which has been necessary after many of Apple's software updates): Replace the binary `/usr/local/bin/emacs' (or wherever you installed it) with a file containing the following two lines (of course you need to change the pathname according to where you have put the Emacs.app application bundle). #!/bin/sh /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs "$@" That's from the emacs 21 for OS X FAQ. | ||